We got there in time to see Diamond Nights, who sounded great. From there we walked over to the other stage to catch a little Dungen before the baseball game. By the time we got to the stadium for the game, we were disappointed that we were too late for the giveaway of Mookie Wilson bobblehead dolls, which were given to the first 2500 people through the gate. By the looks of the adults walking around with 2 or 3 of the dolls, I think there were more than a few people who bought cheap tickets to be able to go through the gates a few times...so I'm guessing there'll be a few of these for sale at bananas prices on eBay.
The game itself was boring as hell, and the crowd was even worse. Crikey, I've been to rowdier church services, and I'm Methodist. It was so quiet that VHS Or Beta's set was louder at some points than the stadium jock jams, which was very cool. So cool in fact, that we decided to book out of the game early to enjoy the rest of VoB's set on our way back to the train station. As we strolled past the festival, the streets were way fuller than before with people getting ready for Spoon's set. My agoraphobia set in and we split to the safety of the N train back to Manhattan. All in all, a pretty cool afternoon, despite ending up Mookieless.
Here's how Diamond Nights looked from my vantage point near a sausage & peppers stand:

This guy at the Cyclones game had the worst shirt of the day:

Based on this dude's hair, I'm guessing that when he's not hanging in the cheap seats at Keyspan Park, he's rockin' that mullet on stage in his Journey cover band (which is probably named after a Journey album title...like "Infinity" or "Evolution" or something like that):

This shot of the field at Keyspan, where The White Stripes/Shins shows will be in a few weeks, shows how the weird fog started rolling in only a few innings into the game. Note the green Brooklyn Lager signboard on the left side of the photo, with verbage that could only make sense in NYC:

As you'd expect for a Brooklyn music fest, the best scoop and photos are at Brooklyn Vegan.
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