Luckily for extrawack! readers, he's seemingly absolutely unaffected by musical trends and not afraid to admit it.
Here are the extrawack! poll responses from a man whom I once read claimed his favorite song ever was "Round And Round" by Ratt...
1. What was your favorite song of 2005?
Fall To Pieces - Velvet Revolver - The album came out in '04 but I consider it an '05 song. Although I can't get Nickelback's "Photograph" out of my head. Those crazy Canadians know a hook when they hear it.
2. What was your favorite album of 2005?
Who the hell buys an entire album anymore? Moreover, can any artist still write 12 quality songs at a time? Butch Walker put out a cool EP.
3. What was your favorite live show of 2005?
Night Ranger - Santa Clara, CA - Laugh all you want, great musicians, great songs and great entertainers.

That Ashley Simpson got smacked for singing with pre-recorded vocals. Everybody does it, even the greats, you just can't get caught do it.
5. What is your biggest wish for 2006?
That Jani Lane gets his life in order and writes a great album, that Ratt reunites with all living members and that Axl finally releases Chinese Democracy so we can see if G 'n R was just a brief shining moment.
Find a copy of the out-of-print Ginger album here.
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