Sunday, January 20, 2008

Elliot Smith + The Cure + The Postal Service = Josh Steinmetz

We get about a dozen emails every day with links to, or mp3s attached, of new music by folks hoping someone/anyone will take notice and talk about them. Many of them have pitch letters seemingly written by sixth-graders, creative writing majors, or English as a second language students...maybe I oughta start a collection of those beauts to post in the future.

Usually, the majority of the music is pretty uninteresting...certainly not worth investing the time to whip up a post and review here.

However, a track hit our in-box today that I've instantly fallen in love with. Here's the note it came with:

For fans of Bright Eyes, John Frusciante, Margot & the Nuclear So and So’s, Imogen Heap, Daniel Johnston

9:NINE is the new album from singer/songwriter/ & multi instrumentalist Josh Steinmetz (released digitally and as 12" Vinyl) who for the past year has been shuttling between Minneapolis and Los Angeles touring and recording both by himself and with his band Origin of Species. This group of 9 Songs (recorded in 9 days) feels dark and moody and yet never mellow dramatic..but this music is undeniably a collection of indie pop of sorts. This is the new pop music: Eclectic sincere, complex, rough around the edges, and yet deceptively simple in a way that reminds one of the Cure. With bits and pieces of folk, electronica, rock, drum & bass, doo-wop and the list goes on.

A sharp pop sensibility that is reminiscent of Imogen Heap or Jon Brion combined with the kind of "indie­bedroom core" style found in the likes of the Brian Jonestown Massacre or Elliot Smith and Sparklehorse makes this limited edition release from Indie label Adamant Records something to take notice of.

Sounds like a pretty accurate description of what I've heard. Decide for yourself...Here's the track that grabbed my ear:

Josh Steinmetz - "Hypertenderly"

Feb 7 - Los Angeles - The Derby – 8pm
Feb 14 - Canoga Park, CA - The Cobalt CafĂ© – 8pm

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