Asobi Seksu are an NYC quartet, specializing in an amazing kind of swirly/shoegaze/dream-pop. Yuki, the singer, performs the songs in combinations of Japanese and English, while the band surrounds her words and keyboards in noisy textures that remind you of My Bloody Valentine, Lush, Slowdive, Catherine Wheel, and Cocteau Twins, while sounding very original at the same time.
This self-titled album actually came out originally in 2003, but was re-released this year on Brooklyn's Friendly Fire Recordings.
Of all the great music that came out this year, this album is the one that moved me most, especially the track "It's Too Late", a seven-minute opus that ends in a sonic wall of loud beautifulness that nearly brought tears to my eyes when I first heard it. It's the kind of song that if you are playing it in your car and it's still on when you reach your destination, you stay in the car until the song is completely over, rather than just turning the key off and jumping out.
I've never seen this disc in a record store other than Other Music in Manhattan, but if you'd like to buy it, the good people at Insound.com have one for you here. Their website has some downloadable MP3's (including a couple tracks from their recent live-in-studio appearance at Rutgers University's WRSU) and a video on their media page here.