Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hale & Hearty Fortune Spent on Cup of Soup

Now, I know Rockefeller Center is no place to score a bargain. But thanks to my office-drone lifestyle, I'm forced to forage around there for lunch, and it's where I today met my $6.99 cup of soup:

Color me bumpkin, but isn't $7.58 (with tax) a bit much for what's essentially 4 spoons bigger than the [free] taster cups they offer? I don't care if it is a "medium," hell, throw some half & half in there and call it "bisque." It's still a dang cup of soup at approximately $1.80 a slurp.*

(Debit card pictured for size comparison. I wouldn't take my number unless you're interested in paying my overdraft fees.)

Anyway, guess it's back to scrimping and saving for the new Revolting Cocks album. And in the wise, surely-underquoted words of that guy from Seinfeld, no [more] soup for me.

*Thanks to Bob F. for the math.

Revolting Cocks - "Pole Grinder" mp3
Soup Dragons - "I'm Free" mp3 buy

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