Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Guest hosting...this is how Leno got his foot in the door, right?

Hi, I'm Michael K. You might remember me from such films as "Today We Kill, Tomorrow We Die, Gladys The Groovy Mule, and my blog, The Parallel Campaign.

Anyway, I'll be guest-blogging for you today, while b.f. does the SXSW thing.

I'll actually have a somewhat fuller post a little later on - the combination of 2007's first 75 degree afternoon, a bit of work still needing to be done, and the patio right outside my door means I'm going to make my excuses and get some spring sun and labor in while I can.

But in the extrawack spirit of knock-down, drag-out competition for valuable prizes, I thought I'd organize a little trivia contest, involving my favorite music/sports tidbit of the moment. Of course, it has to do with the NCAA tourney. I hope you're further along in completing your brackets than I am now, and for god's sake I hope you make it further than I will in the next couple weeks.

Mr.'wack has promised me a package full of the chintziest tchotchkes SXSW has to offer. And I, in turn, am willing to pass on the most gloriously crass object to you, should you win. What a deal.

So here's the question.

Which of the 64 tourney teams has an obscure, but rather clear musical connection to THE prototypical 70s' WWII gold theft behind enemy lines action-comedy-caper movie?

Remember, it's a musical question.

Think totally illogical hippie-dippieness.
Think raging choir-tasticity.
Just to throw you off (or maybe throw you in) think Black Grape.

Answers on an email to theparallelcampaign - at - gmail dot com. First correct answer will take the prize.

Hint: this particular Black Grape tune won't help you.

Won't help you do anything but DANCE!

Talk to you more after the sun sets.

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